The Cirlot Agency Wins 17 International Hermes Creative - 2017 Skip to content

The Cirlot Agency Wins 17 International Hermes Creative Awards

The true measure of winning awards is having clients who foster creativity and entrust their brands to an agency known for producing creative work that works. This year, The Cirlot Agency has brought home to our clients 17 of the industry’s top awards for creativity and innovation — the Hermes Creative Awards.

Hermes Creative Awards is an international competition for creative professionals involved in the concept, writing and design of traditional materials and programs, and emerging technologies. Entries come from corporate marketing and communication departments, advertising agencies, PR firms, graphic design shops, production companies, web and digital creators and freelancers.

The competition has grown to one of the largest of its kind in the world. A look at the winners shows a range in size from individual communicators to media conglomerates and Fortune 500 companies. The competition is so well thought of in the industry that the national public relations organizations, local ad clubs, and local business communicator chapters are entrants.

Hermes Creative Awards is administered and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals. The international organization consists of several thousand marketing, communication, advertising, public relations, media production, web and freelance professionals. The Association oversees awards and recognition programs, provides judges and sets standards for excellence.

There were more than 6,000 entries from throughout the United States, Canada and 35 other countries in the 2017 competition. Of those, about 17 percent of the entries won the Platinum Award, the organization’s top honor, and 22 percent won Gold. Winners were selected from 195 categories grouped under Print Media, Public Relations/Communication, Electronic Media/Social Media/Interactive Media and Pro Bono.


Sanderson Farms, Inc.
“Employee” – T.V. Ad

Huntington Ingalls
Work Force Development – Brochure

The Cirlot Agency
Christmas 2017 – Holiday Card

Sanderson Farms Championship
Event Communications – Special Event


Bush Brothers
BeansTalk Magazine – Newsletter

Mississippi, Believe It! Campaign
Pro Bono Campaign

Sanderson Farms, Inc.
Antibiotic PR Campaign

Sanderson Farms, Inc.
Antibiotic Communications – Communication/Marketing Campaign

The Cirlot Agency
Mardi Gras – Direct Mail Piece

Sanderson Farms Championship
Social Campaign – Consumer Engagement

Sanderson Farms Championship
Social Contest – Game or Contest

Sanderson Farms, Inc.
“Sanderson Way” – T.V. Ad


Saints Website Takeover
Advertising Campaign

Medical Website

Government Website

