5 Year-End Questions You Must Ask Yourself - The Cirlot Agency Skip to content

5 Year-End Questions You Must Ask Yourself

  1. What is the stance of the company from the outside looking in? This question a lot of times for companies can be harder than it looks. According to the Forbes article, “Five Steps of a Strategic Plan,” many people see themselves how they WANT to see themselves, not how they actually appear to others. To draw an accurate picture of where a company stands, it is important to conduct and hold review meetings, whether it’s monthly, quarterly or after every project completion. This practice will provide a clear understanding of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, while also opening up the discussion to whether the set goals and objectives were met, challenges and obstacles that were faced and, an analysis of potential trends that were made along the way.

  2. Is the mission of the company still relevant? It is important that a company’s actions and work exemplify its mission, vision and core values. Stated from Mediums recent article, “Five Key Components of a Powerful Strategic Plan,” the mission and vision statement of a company explains why it exists, why they do what they do, and the helping hand they offer to the public. Remember the reason the company was developed and strive to continue down the path from which it all started.

  3. Have you grown? If not, why not? This particular question can easily be related back to question number one. First, gather a team and review all goals and tasks that were assigned and set, determining if they are complete, on-track or off-track. Once the team has reviewed and prioritized the goals and objectives, the next step is to continue working towards getting all of the on-track and off-track goals completed by a specific time, while also setting new goals and objectives. Another aspect to keep in mind for long-term is the company’s monetary funds. What will the growth be in one year, three years, or five years? It is never too late to think ahead, but it is important to stay on track as goals are set and completed. Success will become more evident every step along the way.

  4. Have I optimized the strength of my team? The word “delegate” is key to properly executing a plan or project. As stated in Potential’s article, “7 Top Reasons to Delegate in your Workplace,” individuals, many times, think that delegation will lessen their authority, capabilities and leadership. As the saying goes, if you want the job done right, you must do it yourself. However, this trait is not the way to operate in the business world. By building a team and enforcing delegation, confidence will build within individuals who are assigned specific tasks, and they will relish the acknowledgment of their hard work. The work will take less time, and success will be captured, with the right members on board.

  5. Is gratitude a priority to my business? People like to be acknowledged for their hard work and dedication. Giving thanks and appreciation to clients, customers and supporters is an extremely valuable trait that will show hospitality and build a deeper relationship. According to Inc. magazine’s article, “5 Important Things You Must Finish Before the Year End,” a good practice is to send a handwritten thank you letter to the individual or individuals who supported and entrusted their confidence in all who were involved to make their company grow. Hospitality, recognition and giving thanks can go a long way.

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