Cultivating Brand Loyalty Is More Complicated Than Ever - The Cirlot Agency Skip to content

Cultivating Brand Loyalty Is More Complicated Than Ever

Last month, we set the foundation for a high-level understanding of brand loyalty and where the concept is moving today. We’re all familiar with the idea of brand loyalty, but most people likely do not fully understand how complicated developing brand loyalty has become. From social issues to product quality, the concept of brand loyalty and what goes into those decisions is changing constantly.

The infographic below, created by AdWeek for its July 22, 2019, edition, details the most important factors contributing to brand loyalty in today’s marketing landscape by mapping a consumer’s purchasing decisions. You will notice that it is no longer solely about product quality or usability, but also the company’s social impacts and how it contributes to a variety of social issues. In other words, buying a product isn’t just about the traditional means of measuring a product or company, but measuring how it positively influences society. Brands would be wise to consider this trend and develop new strategies to address consumers’ views on how their brand provides a positive impact.

