TRUMPED? I don't think so. - The Cirlot Agency Skip to content

TRUMPED? I don't think so.

Okay, I’ll admit it. He wasn’t my guy. However, no matter who anyone voted for or wanted in office, it doesn’t matter anymore. Now it’s time to rally around and support all our elected officials.

Liza Cirlot Looser, CEO

Last October, I was interviewed by a journalist who wanted a female business owner’s perspective of Trump as a potential President of the United States. This was when he was in the middle of media attacks on his character concerning his (accused) lack of respect for women. I explained the character of a candidate mattered with my vote, but the capability of a President to successfully run a country is a separate discussion from his or her personal dealings with members of the opposite sex.

Personal character is an important virtue in any elected official, but the effectiveness of a President running our country is more important.

Personal views of President Trump’s character are just that, personal. Everyone has the right and the freedom to feel the way they do about him and, of course, express their opinion, as recently witnessed with the Million Woman March on January 21st, for whatever good that did.

Now that Trump is President,

our views of his performance as President are every bit our business, and he and his administration need to be supported, but also held accountable by every citizen of the United States.

After the election, I was waiting to board my flight at the Miami airport at 5 a.m., watching CNN, NBC and FOX News journalists reporting, amazed at what happened over the previous 10 hours. Suddenly, I felt a sense of relief. Donald Trump knows the challenges, pain and sense of accomplishment of running businesses, operating businesses, growing businesses, having to close, reorganize or file Chapter 11 for failing businesses, hiring talent, firing talent, providing and paying for employee benefits and paying taxes on all the above. For every business owner, Trump knows our issues and he has felt our pain.

What is my point?

Say what you want, the man knows how to run a business.

Business owners have someone in the highest office who knows what it takes to run a successful business and doesn’t view American corporations as funders of the government, but as entities that must prosper in order to “Make America Great Again.” I look forward to the next 92 days (he definitely took the bull by the horns last week). This could be a chance for American businesses to thrive. I’m all in and will do all I can do to support the 45th President and the 115th Congress of the United States of America.
Donald Trump’s First Order of Business this Week: Business.

